Mai sunt cinci minuţie şi vă vine rândul. Aveți fluturi în stomac? Ei, nu vă faceți prea multe griji. Este perfect normal să fiți emoţionat, dar puteți învaţă să vă controlați emoţiile. Dar cum?
Still five minutes to go and then it’s your turn.
You can hear the muffled voices behind that door.
Got butterflies?
I’ll say so
Are you scared your mind is about to go blank?
Do you feel a little bit out of breath?
Well don’t worry too much. Adrenaline’s good and it’s perfectly normal to be nervous.
But you can learn to keep all these feelings under control.
But how?
First take a deep breath.
That’s usually a good thing to do anytime you feel stressed.
Then, focus on your talk. And imagine your are merely about to do a final rehearsal.
The situation’s the same. Nothing’s changed.
You’ve already done it successfully so many times.
You know how to start, you know all the different points you have to deal with and you know how to end.
So what is the problem?
Scared of facing an audience?
You’re telling me!
You shouldn’t be! They are on your side. They all want you to do well.
So, don’t disappoint them.
Good morning …